For my 13th birfday! April 28, 2008
ET's Purrday party,Apr.13, 2009
9 years old
From Auntie Cass, Feb. 14, 2009
Dis is de pawprint of my famous furriend, " Huck "
De paw print ub my friend, de famous Freya!
A Petsburgh Buddies award
Shamus & Dobby baked dis, & dere sisfurs dekorated it.
From Auntie Cass, 2/14/2008
Choklit nips frum Freya's Valentine party on 2/14/2008
From my Auntie Shelia
Dec. 2006
Dis cupcake frum my auntie Lyn !
Dis cake frum my bud, Ferny
Dis my cake from Pasha
& the Earth Angels !
Mouse made dis cake !
One of my pwesents frum
Dixie, Dewey, & auntie Lyn !
Dis mousie cake frum Shamus,
Firefly,Selkie, Willow & auntie Shelia!
My bud Fernando gave me dis book he wrote while he was recooping after habbin'
wun ub hiz fangz pulled, it beez autiegraphed !