submitted on December 5, 2005 4:48 PM EST |
Name: |
steve |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Another great cat website!! I live for cats,period.
I love them all, even Bentley. Thank you!! |
How did you hear about this site? |
just surfing, it follows Rainbow Bridge |
submitted on November 17, 2005 6:31 PM EST |
Name: |
kim |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Bad to the Bone Bentley, it seems that Lord Binky
enjoys a good toilet paper unrolling as well. thanks for sharing all of your funny antics! |
How did you hear about this site? |
web search |
submitted on September 24, 2005 4:04 PM EDT |
Name: |
Fox, Spud, Mercury, Scully & da slave GG |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Hiya Buds, We had ta bring our sisfur along cause
our meowmie said so...... Mew haf a great site here. We been here before but neber finished viewing. We don't fink we signed
da book eeber. We reely enjoyed da Alien page, now we believe day do exist!!! Mewr backgrounds are kewl too. We will see ya
at Paddy's later when we gets rid of da gurls. Mewr Buds, Fox, Spud, Mercury Scully and Meowmee too |
How did you hear about this site? |
Purrsonal invitation |
submitted on July 27, 2005 9:15 AM EDT |
Name: |
Bentley's meowmie |
Email Address: |
Idontputthatonherelike |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Some of the entries in here were added after some
of the people & cats have gone to RB, because I added a new guestbook, & copied & pasted the old entries in here. |
How did you hear about this site? |
From Bentley |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:25 PM EDT |
Name: |
Lainie |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
How did you hear about this site? |
Friend |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:24 PM EDT |
Name: |
The Wicked Twins |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Watt an honner to sine duh guessbuch of the eponymous
Bentley Marlowe of the Bad to the Bone Award. Yew shure beez wun bad, bad, gross and disgusting boy! We concat yew on yewr
badness and inbite yew to join us at Paddy's fur nipzbeer and Krispy Kremes and mousie pizza. We buying! |
How did you hear about this site? |
Tomz Rule |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:23 PM EDT |
Name: |
Suzanna |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
I love you with all my heart, Ben! You are the cutest
baby in the world! |
How did you hear about this site? |
From you |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:22 PM EDT |
Name: |
Omar & Romeo |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Great website buddy. You`re one bad to the bone
tom, we`re proud of you. |
How did you hear about this site? |
Friend |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:20 PM EDT |
Name: |
Omar |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Great website buddy. You`re one bad to the bone
tom, we`re proud of you. |
How did you hear about this site? |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:20 PM EDT |
Name: |
Omar |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Great website buddy. You`re one bad to the bone
tom, we`re proud of you. |
How did you hear about this site? |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:19 PM EDT |
Name: |
Katie C. |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Hi, Gwen! I made it here & love your new homepage...
for all of you checking out the guestbook: Gwen's a super furbaby momma! Blessings to you, Ms. Gwen & Happy Spring! KC |
How did you hear about this site? |
Friend |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:17 PM EDT |
Name: |
Zena, Scraps, & Neek |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
We followed our brofur Jordan to mew pages and even
it say mew bad to the bone, we enjoyed mew pages! We ebben went to visit mew own sisfurs. Good job! Purrs Zena, Scraps and
Neek |
How did you hear about this site? |
We followed Jordan |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:15 PM EDT |
Name: |
Jordan |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Yo Ben! Mew to my BTTB buddy and furriend! I iz
many sorriz I iz beez late but myown hooman and her two jobz iz not gibbing me muchez puter time lately! Mew pages are grate
as alwayz and I alla time enjoyz bisiting wif my bud. You a grate tomz! Bonks Jordan |
How did you hear about this site? |
You, my fren |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:14 PM EDT |
Name: |
Sammeye |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Yo Ben! Sorrey I iz lait, but da sikk hoomin sloes
me down alott. Yer plaice luks grate as allwaes. |
How did you hear about this site? |
Friend |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:12 PM EDT |
Name: |
Mysty & Storme |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Hi, You have a great site! Enjoy all your antic
pages too! purrs, Mysty and Storme |
How did you hear about this site? |
Friend |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:11 PM EDT |
Name: |
Raffie |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Hey der Ben, yu page lookin gud as it alus did.
Yu fren, Raffie |
How did you hear about this site? |
Friend |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:09 PM EDT |
Name: |
Freya |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Mews Bentley, Hope yu likes yur mew home. Yur page
looks so purdy as effur. Even though you are BAD to the BONE, I likes you - becuz you are bad in style. Nothing 'ho-hum' about
yur badness. So - Go fur it, Bentley |
How did you hear about this site? |
From mew |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:09 PM EDT |
Name: |
Royal |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Resighnin mew guess buk bud |
How did you hear about this site? |
You |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:08 PM EDT |
Name: |
Elfin & Ro |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Congratulations, Ben and furmily ! all Kitties and
cat-humans love this site. Thanks for including Meia on the rainbow page. purrrsss, Elfin and hugs Ro |
How did you hear about this site? |
Email |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:06 PM EDT |
Name: |
Moke |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Mew Ben & Furmily, I am sooo sorry mew lost
mewr old guest book. I just want to say again how much I enjoy mewr site and what a good job mew have done on it. And thank
mew also fur including my furmily memfurs on mewr rainbow page. Purrs, mewr buddy Moke |
How did you hear about this site? |
Yew |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:05 PM EDT |
Name: |
Jasp |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Mwe luff mew site Ben!!! |
How did you hear about this site? |
Mew invited me! |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:03 PM EDT |
Name: |
Tux |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Mew, mewr site may haf moved but da kwality still
dere!!! Paws up, bud. Keep up da good work on site and fur animules and in Tomzrule. |
How did you hear about this site? |
From de Tomz Rule Klubb |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:02 PM EDT |
Name: |
Frenchie |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Happy St. Paddy's Day, Mon Ami! Your web site is
fantastique! Mew have inspired moi to improve my Trophy soon as the Oreos take a break! |
How did you hear about this site? |
Tomz Rule |
submitted on July 23, 2005 4:00 PM EDT |
Name: |
Bandit & Billy |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Hey Ben! Dat happened to Mumfur 4 or 5 years ago,
and we had to atart all offur agin. Have a Great St Paddy's Day! Bandit & Billy |
How did you hear about this site? |
You invited us |
submitted on July 23, 2005 3:58 PM EDT |
Name: |
ET & Ginger |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
We will follow mew anywhere's, MOL!! Tanks fur leafing
da trail of catnip so we could find yer new place. Purrs, E.T. & Ginger |
How did you hear about this site? |
De catnip trail |
submitted on July 23, 2005 3:57 PM EDT |
Name: |
Rescue Ranch Boys |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Hey BTTB guy! Weez followin yous around, now weez
found yur new homepage address, we put a link on our page. Keep bein BADD! Yur pals, Fernando, Davy, Dorian, Sheik Ollie Babble
and Bruce |
How did you hear about this site? |
We followed mew |
submitted on July 23, 2005 3:54 PM EDT |
Name: |
Dixie & Dewey |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Hey der bud!!! mew site be'z grate!!!! we will be
coming to vizit mew often!!! |
How did you hear about this site? |
From yu, bud |
submitted on July 23, 2005 3:52 PM EDT |
Name: |
Shamus |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Hey dere gude bud. How wonderfur dis site is, mew
sure is a kewel kat. And BTTB I might add. Mew Haww. I luffs coming here and will be back to bisit often. Mewere bud, Shamus |
submitted on February 2, 2006 5:32 PM EST |
Name: |
Tiger da Turrable |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Fank miew fur inviting me and beening mine new budz.
Mew knowz miew be lurning lots of bad tings frum miew. Dis is a furry wonderpurr Site. |
How did you hear about this site? |
Miew invited mew! |
submitted on October 29, 2005 5:19 PM EDT |
Name: |
Chuck E |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Yo Ben! Yew bees da baddest ob da bad, bud. Ize
knot da onliest won dat bees inspyrred by yore macho wayz. Yore pal, Chuck E |
How did you hear about this site? |
Wee bees buds |
submitted on September 26, 2005 7:54 PM EDT |
Name: |
Chuck |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Mews Good Buddy Ben - Let me thay dat agen - To
My Bad to da Bone Bud Ben. I ith honored and thrilled to be a member of Yur Frens page. All da moth impurrtant boys are there
- and to be aksed to join dem - well, it ith da happieth day of my life. Fangu Bud !!! |
How did you hear about this site? |
Effuryone knows Ben's homepage. |
submitted on July 23, 2005 3:18 PM EDT |
Name: |
Mysty and Storme |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Hi Ben, Nice to visit mew on the web. You have a
great site! Many happy purrs, Mysty and Storme |
How did you hear about this site? |
claw furriends 2 chat |
submitted on July 23, 2005 3:16 PM EDT |
Name: |
ET |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Hay Ben, yer my baddest furriend. What did mew do
to yer old guestbook, shred it? Bury it in da litterbocks? MOL! Purrs, E.T. |
How did you hear about this site? |
Frum mew, bud |
submitted on July 23, 2005 3:05 PM EDT |
Name: |
Ziggy |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Hi Ya Ben. Haff yew been up tew anee badness lately? |
How did you hear about this site? |
submitted on July 23, 2005 12:19 PM EDT |
Name: |
Moke |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Yo Ben, Mew are really bad... What is that halo
doing trying to catfuse all of us? Hmmmf.. can't fool this old purrmudgeon. Purrs, mewr buddy Moke |
How did you hear about this site? |
Ben |
submitted on July 23, 2005 2:36 AM EDT |
Name: |
Holly |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
I signed de Guest Book, Ben, 2 tell U how catsome
U are, but my message not cum through! I think U hab gentle eyes, but we keep it our secret! [Shhh..] ~ Holly~~~ |
How did you hear about this site? |
submitted on July 23, 2005 1:06 AM EDT |
Name: |
E.T. |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Yer da baddest furriend I haff, concatulations,
mewhawhaw!!! Keep up da good work. Mew are an inspurration to us awl. |
How did you hear about this site? |
I followed mew home from Paddy's |
submitted on July 22, 2005 9:01 PM EDT |
Name: |
Jordan |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Yo mew pal Ben, Mew paje is really bad Benz--hee!mew!
I iz many gladz mew my budz and teach me da wayz to beez bad. You da baddest! Bonks Jordan |
How did you hear about this site? |
submitted on July 22, 2005 8:27 PM EDT |
Name: |
Shamus Blue |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Hey dere mew bad bud. If not fur mew to help me,
I would still be just da angel kitty, but mew has helped me save mine reputaion, so I not get laughed at by da ofur tomz.
MOL. Mew a gud bud, Ben. I sure do has a yot of fun wiff mew. Luff mewer site, see mew again soon, so I can be eben badder.
Shamus |
How did you hear about this site? |
Ben is mine bud |
submitted on July 22, 2005 7:46 PM EDT |
Name: |
Tux_Tyke_Indy_Bootsy |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Mew are such an inspiration to us all! We washing
an lernin furom mew. |
How did you hear about this site? |
A liddle birdie or mewr Meowmie tole us. |
submitted on July 22, 2005 6:02 PM EDT |
Name: |
Rescue Ranch Boys |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: | |
Comments: |
Hey Bud! Grate page by da baddest uf da badd! Weezil
put it in our faborites so weez kan come back! Yur pals, Fernando, Davy, Dorian, Bruce & Sheik Ollie Babble |
How did you hear about this site? |
submitted on July 22, 2005 5:56 PM EDT |
Name: |
Jasp |
Email Address: | |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Mwe luff mewr'e site bud!!! |
How did you hear about this site? |
Ben tole uz too |
submitted on July 22, 2005 5:07 PM EDT |
Name: |
Freya |
Email Address: |
Web site URL: |
Comments: |
Mews Ben - I guess even da baddest boy kitty in
da world haff got to haff hiz own website. An - yu did a good jog on it tu, Ben. I iz proud of yu. |
How did you hear about this site? |
Ben tole me. |
I am me I am just me I'm a little like other cats But mostly
I am just me.